Use SMS To Make Job Applications Easy

Learn how text messaging can improve your job application and hiring process by making it easier, faster, and better.

By: Aaron Weiche - Aug 7
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job application via SMS

Hiring is a big challenge for businesses of all types. The battle for qualified candidates in any industry can be fierce.

Small businesses especially need to do what they can to attract job applicants. Radio ads, billboards, online listings, yard signs, and many more marketing strategies that once were only dedicated to sales are now focused on hiring.

With a focus and serious dollars going into such an important, if not vital initiative, you should make sure your job application process is on point. Just like anything else, it better be easy. Even a small amount of friction might make a potential applicant pass on applying.

Bringing SMS into your job application process can be a big improvement. Not just for the quantity of applicants, but for the quality of the interview and hiring process.

5 Ways Texting Can Improve Your Job Application Process

You can have a great job application process by making tangible changes to how you communicate with candidates and the hiring experience you’re providing.

Here are five ways to improve your job application process by utilizing SMS.

1- Make it user-friendly

Applying for a job should be a smooth and pleasant experience, free from any unnecessary difficulties, frustrations, or excessive time commitments. Being able to start the application process through texting is easy as it’s most people’s top communication channel.

2- An application easy to access

Don’t lose applicants from the start because you are not easy to apply with. Accessing your job posting and application via text makes your top of funnel wider.

Being able to send a text message to get the link to start applying or texting a keyword like “apply” to your number so that an auto-reply can start the process make it easier. Add SMS as an easy option to start your job application process.

3- Make asking questions easy

An applicant might have one or two questions they want to understand before applying. When they can ask questions over text it makes it easy to quickly answer and get them in the application process.

This simple engagement over SMS can start to build trust with your company for the applicant as well bolstering why they want to apply and work with your company.

Don’t lose out on applicants because they have an incorrect assumption, need clarification, or question wether it’s worth their time to apply. Make asking questions and getting answers easy.

SMS job application

4- Provide options for applying

As communication and technology evolve, so should your application process. Paper applications or website forms shouldn’t be your only way to apply. Asking a set of questions over SMS can allow your business to capture enough information to set an interview.

While you might be tempted to just send people to a 20, 30 or 40 question application, maybe you just need to ask 10 to 15 essential questions to get the process going. You can always capture more information during the process.

PRO TIP: With Leadferno, you can use our Shortcuts feature to have interview questions saved and ready to send in a tap or click. Make your job application a conversation you can easily manage and boost completion.

5- Follow up with every applicant

There is no better channel to be seen than SMS. With a 98% open rate, you text messages will be read. You don’t get that with voicemail or email.

When they have already started the process with SMS, then your follow-up for more information, confirmation of submission, or interview appointment reminder is natural and seen.

Improve hiring with text messaging

Texting benefits your application process all around. From first contact, to ensuring applicants complete the process. Implement SMS into your process to improve your employment and hiring. In this job market, you need to do everything you can to talk with potential candidates.


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