The more information you have the better. Our latest feature addition is small but could be mighty when helping prospects and customers. We now show you the web page your text conversation originated from via our web-to-text widget, the Leadbox.
The source link appears at the very start of the conversation when the Leadbox message is submitted to the Inbox. This link can be clicked on desktop or tapped on mobile to see the exact page the user was on when they reached out.
For websites with multiple services, products or many pages, this is extremely helpful information. For the Cari McGee Real Estate Team this lets them know the exact home listing the prospect was looking at when they reached out. This allows their agents to understand the customer, answer questions and take next steps faster.
For Local SEO tools and service provider Whitespark, the source link informs them what software or SEO service their prospect was looking at when they texted their team.
Displaying the source of your leads from your Leadbox also means we are now able to track this as well. We are currently working our our first report that will tell you about the performance of your Leadbox. Impressions, opens, text threads started, calls and your top source links from your website are all included.
Below is a sneak peek of this report, available in the web app, coming in May.
In addition to the Lead Capture Report we already provide a Google Analytics integration located under Integrations in the account menu. This allows you to track Leadbox actions as events in Google Analytics and lead sources.
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